Contact Us

800 N. State College Blvd

Fullerton, CA 


Office: Mon.-Fri.  8AM to 5PM

Summer Drive-Thru Hours - Virtual Only:

Monday: 11am - 1:45pm 

Wednesday: 11am - 1:45pm

Tues, Thurs & Friday: Closed

Please go to our Main Page to Schedule a Virtual Appointment:

Schedule an appointment through our Online Appointment System

Help A Titan

CSUF Alumni - Thank you for your interest in volunteering to assist the Career Center! Contact the Career Center to help us in the following ways:

  • Panel Presenter
    Share your experiences and perspective on wide ranging topics that students want to hear about most. From career advice to industry know-how, alumni panelists provide a unique perspective that resonates with CSUF students. Panel presentations are a great way to bring your message directly to students, and a perfect excuse to return to campus for a visit!
  • Professional Insight
    Provide one-on-one advice for students looking for guidance. Activities include informational interviews, resume review, mock-interviews, and industry or academic mentoring. By volunteering, you provide the opportunity for a student to contact you for this purpose. Interviews and mentoring may take place in person, by phone or email.
  • Conduct a Workshop
    Give us the scoop! Host or co-host a workshop on topics such as resume writing, interviewing, networking, and more. Ensure that students stay up-to-date with vital information about the workplace. We rely on you to keep us current on industry practices to help students succeed.
  • Other
    Do you have a unique career resource we haven't thought of?  Let us know and let's work together to leverage it on the behalf of the Titan community.

Contact us 657-278-3121 and ask for any member of our Employer Relations Team.